
Friday, June 16, 2006

No words ... just music

These are all instrumentals hence the title. Let's start with Tim Blake (who's played with both Hawkwind & Gong) and a little dittty called The Great Pool, this is from one of his solo albums Caldea Music II. Next up, it's The Oroonies (one of the many offshoots of Ozric Tentacles) and something called Dust Devils from their only official release (although they did release several tapes available mainly from gigs at the time) Of Hoof & Horn. Now it's Dark Matter's Past Zero Time from the Seeing Strange Lights album. Dark Matter is the solo project from Helios Creed but it's a lot easier on the ears than his music done under that name. This next one is What Can I Say by Outback from their Dance The Devil Away album. With lots of didgeridoo, melodica, piano & drums this makes an unexpectedly fine little dancing tune. And finally, a tune that effortlessly nearly hits the 18 minute mark, Echoe Waves by Manuel Gottsching. If you've never heard of him he used to play with Ash Ra Tempel and if you've never heard of them there're in the genre known as Krautrock (as are Tangerine Dream). If you like what Ozric Tentacles were doing in the mid to late 80s (but without the tribal & reggae influence) then this is the one for you, only this was recorded in 1975.


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